Finned Air Heater

Finned Air Heater

Tubular Heater

Tubular heating elements provide an economical, robust, and versatile heat source. These elements are commonly used surfaces. Kartik industrial Heater can provide formed elements ready to use in your existing channel or new design. Plain tubular heaters are available in straight lengths or bent as per customer requirement with threaded stud connection at both ends. The finned tubular heater has enlarged surface areas to help faster dissipation of heat.

Finned Tubular Heater

Finned Tubular Heater is normally used in forced circulation heating of low-temperature air, other atmospheres, and gases. Typical applications include forced convection heating of air, process atmospheres, and oven atmospheres in duct environments. The most efficient finned heater is made with a steel sheath and steel fins. Steel is normally used for air heating, stainless steel for atmospheres, which are humid or corrosive, and monel for salt-laden humid atmospheres. Keep in mind that stainless heaters with stainless fins are very inefficient since the heat transfer rate of stainless is less than one-quarter that for steels.


Plastic Industry, Foundries, Packaging Industry, Engineering Industry, Medical & Laboratory Equipment’s, Domestic Appliances. Air Conditioning systems, Recalculating drying ovens, Forced air duct heating.

For special sizes, please feel free to contact us along with detailed dimensional sketches.

Please incorporate the stander heater dateless from the catalog.